
Distributor / Manufacturer Sign-Up Privileges


As an authorized manufacturing partner on our website,
you can directly manage:

  • your company's profile page

  • your list of authorized distributors

  • your product content

  • Submit prese releases

  • RFQ / Sample Requests submitted


As an authorized distribution partner on our website,
you can directly manage:

  • your company profile page

  • branch/warehouse locations

  • franchised & non-franchised line card

  • price / inventory (phase II launch)

  • RFQ / Sample Requests submitted

Please login to gain all privileges to our site.

Users who submit QUOTE / SAMPLE requests will have their inquiries submitted to authorized distribution partners with copies sent to manufacturers for reference and marketing purposes.

Please sign up for an account here and we will reply with details for you to begin management of your pages and quote submissions.