
Advertising Opportunities

Comprehenive Sourcing Tool

DistyParts is one source that provides the latest new product information and media combined with extensive standard product product data and listings of electronicic components, helping designing engineers simplify their research and sourcing methods.

Our website is designed to extend visibility within your target audience more effectively. Our website engages more effectively with designing engineers by providing:

  • Extensive product content
  • Quote / Sample Request functions
  • Product press releases
  • Engnieering calculators
  • Engineering forums
  • Application notes library
  • White paper libararies

Our priority is to provide one source for data and media to best serve the eleniocs and electrical markets.


Banner Ads

  • Shaddow box (whole page / clickthrough to enter site)
  • Top of page (100x650px / 100x1320px)
  • Side Banners (300 x 400/500/600/800px)
  • Bottom page Banners (100x650px / 100x1320px)>
  • Rotating Banners on Home / Market Segment pages

Content Marketing

  • Product / Press Releases
  • Industry News
  • App Notes
  • White Papers

Build stronger relationships with your market with continual presence in the form of content properly targeted to your engineering audience.

Well Targeted

Your marketing budget can be targeted very specifically to reach your ideal customers by market segment and / or product category to ensure your company and its product values are communicated effectively at just the right place and time that designing engineers are researching for potential solutions to their engineering challenges.


Advertisers can benefit from access to our analytics data we collect identifying not just pages browsed, but searches performed, filter values submitted from all tyhe market segments and product categories for which they participate.

Landing Pages

All advertisements can include hotlinks to targeted landniges on your site or ours. This gives you greater opportunity to cater your marketing message to your engineering audience. OPur designers are available to generate new landing pages on demand, greatly simplifying your processes and efforts.

Creative Design

Unlike most news / media websites, we actually have on-staff designers to help you with creative design of your advertisements if needed. Just one more way we streamline and enhance your marketing efforts.

Speak to one of our sales people to discuss in greater detail at [email protected].