Variable Frequency Drives

NordAC ON/ON+ decentralized variable frequency drives are engineered for the specific requirements of horizontal conveyor technology and feature integrated functions to optimize operation performance, an integrated Ethernet interface, plug-and-play capability and a compact design. These VFDs feature three frame sizes and two base versions: a version designed for combination with IE3 asynchronous motors (NordAC ON) and a version optimized for use with IE5+ synchronous motors (NordAC ON+). Both versions offer compact frame sizes that can be motor- or wall-mounted based on the application and space requirements. NordAC ON supports a power range of 0.50 to 3.00hp while NordAC ON+ supports 0.50 – 4.00hp. The NordAC ON/ON+ is equipped with an internal PLC for drive related functions. The 24V DC supply for control and communication is integrated into the 3-phase 400V supply connected to the drive via a 6-pole connector.

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